One Million Miracles

Don’t settle for survival. Pray for revival.

Let it begin with you and me.

The Holy Spirit leads the way.

Brother Luke reminds us in chapter 11:9-13 that when it comes to the Holy Spirit “… everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and he who knocks the door will be opened to him.”

This week we are celebrating the miracle that changed the world forever. From this place of wonder, awe, and celebration may we rise up and take part in One Million Miracles.

For we are God’s workmanship created in Christ Jesus to do good works which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2:10

In this time of isolation, the word is CONNECT.

  • Connect with God. In the Word. On our knees.
  • Connect with others. Near. Far. Alone. Lonely. Overwhelmed.
  • Connect with GO. Innovatively and intentionally—every day.

One Million Miracles here we come. Lord, give us eyes to see.

Front Line Friends – feel free to save this image. Be on the lookout! Be quick to share stories of those serving in the Front Line Fight in small and big ways on Facebook or other means. Use the photo. May the love we pour into the lives of others ripple on into eternity.

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