Nurture Time

4 thoughts on “Nurture Time”

  1. Bren,

    The wonders of nature continue to trigger my “ohs” and “ahs”.
    These happen to me in my backyard but also on touring National and State Parks, and also when I view OUR GREATEST NATIONAL TREASURE by Ken Burns on tv.

    But my greatest wonder of all is that this awesome God loves me.

    PSALM 139.


  2. I went outside today. I was expecting a package. It needed to be refrigerated. It was to be here by noon. Noon came and went with no sign of the box. Normally I would have been really frustrated. Instead those few minutes outside on the porch breathe life into me. I wish I had gone out sooner, and I could have stayed out longer. Even so, the few minutes I had brought life. Thank You, Creator God.

    • Ahhhhhhhhh.
      Quiet and Creation is a tonic for the soul.
      The heart and art of “peace and quiet” multiplies when we are intentional and lean in with joy.


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