Name First Last Organization1. Did you feel the materials provided prepared you to lead the Run the Race Program well? a. Yes b. Somewhat c. No d. NA (we did a face to face) If b or c, what could we do to ensure others were confident in delivering the program well?2. What are your thoughts on the student handouts? a. Effective b. Somewhat effective c. Ineffective Additional comments or feedback3. What are your thoughts on the Parent Letter? a. Effective b. Somewhat effective c. Ineffective d. Did not use them Additional comments or feedback4. What are your thoughts on the session length? a. Just right b. Too short c. Too long Additional comments or feedback5. What are your thoughts on the student interviews in the videos? a. Effective in helping students connect with concepts b. Somewhat effective in helping students connect with concepts c. Ineffective in helping student connect with concepts d. NA (We did face to face) Additional comments or feedback6. Did the sessions hold the student’s attention? a. Yes b. Somewhat c. No Additional comments or feedback7. How effective do you feel the Mask Activity was on a scale of 1-5? 1 being not effective at all and 5 being very effective.Additional comments or feedback8. Did the questions in the video stimulate conversation in the classroom? a. Yes, good conversation b. Some conversation c. No conversation d. NA (we did face to face) Additional Comments or feedback10. Were the small group questions, found in your teachers guide, effective for the students? a. Effective b. Somewhat effective c. Ineffective d. Did not use them Additional comments or feedback11. What TWO things impacted you most personally about the Run the Race message?12. What would you add, alter, or delete from the program?13. Is there anything else you would like the Run Hard. Rest Well. staff to know?14. Are you okay with me using your response being used for advertisements or social media? a. Yes b. No