Friend to Friend

By Brenda Jank

2024 has been a year of thrilling mountaintops high and valleys low.

Unsolicited notes and awards!
     “Keep up this important, holy work. It’s awesome!”
     “BEST staff experience I have experienced in 30 years.”
     Being recognized as the 2024 nonprofit who is most impacting LEADERS in Northeast Indiana

     Training 62 RHRW presenters to serve 50 Ft. Wayne Public Schools through a year-long initiative to speak life into teachers on the front line.
     Watching denominations and regional church districts Catch the Vision

Witnessing God “choose and use” Pastor Caleb George Oguta to launch a Run Hard. Rest Well. movement in Rongo, Kenya after his life was transformed when he Googled “resting at the feet of Jesus” and found a RHRW blog post. He devoured the website – and took off Running the Race to spread the good news of Restorative Wellness – pointing people to Jesus, the Author of Rest and the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.

I Kings 17 begins the story of Elijah. Sent on a mission and then on retreat, God provides for Elijah in miraculous ways. THIS has been the RHRW story in 2024.

Then the brook dried up.
     It did for Elijah – despite being right where God called him to be.
     It is the same for RHRW.

RHRW had to lay off a gifted staff member in February. My salary was discontinued for most of the year, trying to stabilize our financial situation. This December, we will have to lay off two more valued team members. The ache is gut wrenching. 

The brook has dried up. And HOPE is secure. RHRW will continue to serve, train, equip – AND – for the first time in 10-years, I will lean into God’s call to write and publish. 

$5,000 Matching Gift

To make this new season a reality, we need modern day Aarons and Hurs to hold up our arms right now.

Will you help us double this amazing gift and make it $10,000?
     We need one-time GIFTS to make this happen by Wednesday, November 20.
     We NEED monthly ministry partners. If you begin this journey with RHRW, your first month will be doubled.

2 ways to Give
     Visit the website for an on-line donation
     Write a check and pop it in the mail. Alert us through email, so your first month can be doubled. 

Run Hard. Rest Well.
1596 S 150 W Albion, IN 46701

Though this has been some of the most difficult news to share in this format, it’s important to be transparent with you about the Run Hard. Rest. Well. journey this year. It is another level of hard against the backdrop of our last 12-months as a family. The tears and ache are a heavy weight, yet one thing I have learned …

In the hands of God, hard becomes holy.
We don’t know the end of this story, but we know Who is writing it.

Eyes on Jesus – forever and always!

PS – Before I close for today, I would love to take a moment to honor and thank our faithful team members who have served RHRW with joy and dedication.

In February, RHRW had to lay off Michelle Hoffschneider, our Creative Director. We lost a friend, a visionary, and Michelle’s skills, attention to details, and systems know-how. It has been a blow, but we are so thankful for all the beautiful gifts Michelle brought to our team for the time she served with us.

Because of finances and projections, this December, RHRW will be laying off Stacey Dumbacher.  For 5 ½ years, Stacey and I have been Promised Land “spies” like Joshua and Caleb, working together to GO where God sent us – to the winded, weary, and wounded. As full-time speaker, RHRW coach, program director, and project manager/implementer, the loss is profound. PLEASE pray for Stacey and what the Lord has planned for her. We are trusting Him for amazing things.

In December, we are charting new territory with Alicia Hill. Alicia will continue to blaze trails, but no longer as a salaried staff member. Alicia’s vision, connection, and joy has launched a Wells County Initiative that is strategically impacting hundreds of people through dozens of organizations – setting a template for other counties in Indiana and beyond. Alicia will continue to expand her work, but now as a contract staff member.

Brenda Jank and the Run Hard. Rest Well. team are thought leaders in the arena of Restorative Wellness. Find additional resources at Contact us at:

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