We are all guilty!
If you love a child/young adult born since 1994, you have likely used screens to cultivate some “peace and quiet” in your home, your car, and your life.
For many of us, we have done it too much. The shame we feel keeps us from real-life conversations and ultimately real-life transformation.
Want to tackle this issue from place of grace and hope?
Read Andy Crouch’s book, The Tech-Wise Family: Everyday Steps for Putting Technology in Its Proper Place.
Short, insightful, truthful, and story-laden, this book is a stand-out resource about parenting in this wild-world of digital family life.
The Tech-Wise Family is now my first choice gift at weddings for newly married couples. It is that good and I am that crazy!
Get it into the hands of those you love. Read it together with your home Bible study group.
We have to start talking, sharing, exploring – with courage – a new, God-honoring way to DO life in our families. It begins with a real-life, grace-infused vision about how to make “tech” a great tool and not tragic home invasion.
2 more things!
#1. Share! We want to hear from you! This is an important, critical topic. We all want to glean and grow from your insights and questions.
- What works in your home? A system? A plan? Basic rules? Share what you’ve learned.
- Where are you facing roadblocks and frustration when it comes to kids and devices? Or YOU and devices. Tackling the issues of over-use in our own lives is typically the first step.
- What questions do you have about tech and your toddler to teen?
#2. Do you love a young adult? Do you work with young adults? This year we are “celebrating” 10 years of smart-phone technology. iGen: Why Today’s Super-Connected Kids Are Growing Up Less Rebellious, More Tolerant, Less Happy–and Completely Unprepared for Adulthood–and What That Means for the Rest of Us, by Jean Twenge, is packed with research and insight. Bottom line, many of our young adults are lagging five-years behind in maturity. No matter the age of your child, grandchild, or the youth you serve and love this, too, is an outstanding summer read.
Note: Run Hard. Rest Well. is a nonprofit ministry packed with vision, but short on donors. If you decide one of these books would be a blessing and you use the link(s) above, your click will support our ministry. Thank you, my friends! If you are a new blog follower, please know we rarely do this, but some books are just that good!
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