Escape Hatch

Escape hatches. We need them. We need an escape route for the times in life when demands bombard us at a rate that pummels our soul. Escape hatches come in all shapes and sizes.

An overdose of Netflix – A day in pajamas –Tightening the vice-grip of overload – An early bedtime

A quiet walk in a park – A half-gallon of ice-cream – Being stuck in worry – Lunch with a friend

A mantra of lies – The cha-ching of a cash register – A drink or pill that numbs your soul

What’s your “go-to?” Do you know it? Can you name it? What does your hand, your head, your heart turn to grab on to when the waters overtake you?

No matter what we do to relieve the pressure, we are creatures of habit. More than likely, for good or bad, we do what we have done before.

Want to start to new habit? Want to create a new escape route that will take you away from the danger, AND will propel you into the arms of God?

Become a person of retreat.

David was a man of retreat. Three thousand years ago David penned these words into his prayer journal. Today we call it Psalm 55 (HCSB). His longing speaks of his escape hatch.

If only I had wings of a dove! I would fly away and find rest . . .
I would hurry to my place of shelter from the raging wind and the storm.

Spring is a wonderful time for retreat (whether you’re reading this from the northern or southern hemisphere!) Can I challenge you? Can I challenge you to plan a time of retreat in the next 6 weeks? Shoot for one hour off the beaten path. Perhaps this season of life might allow for 2, 3, 6 hours of retreat. Go for it, but don’t discredit the power of an hour. The time frame doesn’t matter, but the commitment does.

We need escape hatches, but if they don’t point us to Jesus, they set into motion a destructive pattern that veers our hearts away from what we need most.

For retreat to become our “go-to” escape hatch, we must become familiar with it. We must have tasted the rewards and know the delight in His Presence.

  • Are you ready to commit to a retreat? Share your resolve with others and invite/challenge a friend to consider it, as well.
  • Would you like a launching pad? Email me. We’d love to send you a 4-page retreat resource called “Come Away.”
  • On June 1st, we’re going to invite you to share your stories, your joys and your challenges of personal retreat. We will then share these with each other on June 8th, as space allows.

Where are you today? Are you eyeballing an escape hatch?

David, claiming the resources of his “go to” escape hatch, cried out to God while on retreat.

Be gracious to me, God, be gracious to me, for I take refuge in You.
I will seek refuge in the shadow of Your wings . . .
Psalm 57:1 (HCSB)

May the shadow of His wings be all we need and so much more.

First time here?

9 thoughts on “Escape Hatch”

    • Bonnie —

      I am delighted to hear this. You’ve got a date!
      I don’t have easy access to subscriber’s email addresses. Could you email me, then I can reply with the “Come Away” resource.

      God’s richest blessings, Bonnie!

  1. The time is fast approaching when I must find retreat. Doctors! Tests! Finances! Weakness! Depression! Oh, what a powerful potion of poison. This week the feeling of hopelessness has been hard upon me. So many doctors. Like the woman with the issue of blood who spent all but was no better. I know my Jesus. I know His power and His heart. I know His great love. For now? I just need Him. I need that open door. I need the open arms. I need a chance to sit on His lap until the emotional exhaustion passes. It will. He is faithful. For now, only Jesus can help.

    • Retreat turns our hearts to Jesus. There, we find rest. During this painful, brutal time, Betty, may the One who is faithful be very near.

  2. Today I chose to “escape”. I have been so overwhelmed with life. Yesterday was doctor. Tomorrow is tests, so today was my day. I needed it. I washed and folded clothes. I changed my bedding. I read just for the joy of reading. I did what I wanted because I wanted and said no to the demands. I played worship music and even sang a little. I gave myself permission to get off the roller coaster for today. I feel lighter. My room looks nicer. No demands of myself. And I have been blessed. Thank you.

  3. Brenda,

    I have been listening to all of our music that we have cumulated over the past 33 years plus years. I am finding out that even though I have not been on a personal retreat of any kind that instrumental music can calm my soul greatly. Its pleasant to the ears and to the soul. It helps to focus on God and pray for his help when someone isn’t making demands of me With a husband who works from home and on conference calls all day long, a very active teenager who still needs us to transport her every where, a 4 year old girl who is enrolled in Pre-K and a 2 year old boy (my 1st) who has parenting time 10 times a month or so.


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