David’s #1 tool was not his sling shot. It was his pen.
74 of the 150 Psalms were written by David. I think those Psalms, inspired by God, might have come from David’s prayer journals. Known as a man after God’s own heart, let’s let this truth sink into our soul. There is power in communing with God, pen in hand.
Tucked under our bed and wrapped in plastic bags are dozens of spiral notebooks. I have been an on-and-off journal keeper for most of my life. In case of a fire, I will try to grab those bags as I run out of the house! They are a testimony of God’s power and Presence in my life.
Truth be told, as opportunities and demands increase, my journal entries decrease. That’s Ok. No guilt or shame in that, but I miss the joy and reward.
I am reviving my commitment to journaling with 3 simple questions and the power of “bullets” – short, tight snippets. It’s good, and it’s working.
Each Morning
As my time with the Lord draws to a close, having met with him in quiet and in his Word, I ask myself 2 questions, using simple bullets for my answers. Sometimes I write more, but I feel no pressure to do so.
- What did God have for me today? (What treasure is now mine for this day? A Truth. A Promise. Conviction. Tenderness.)
- What does he want from me today? (How am I to live out this gift? How will it impact my day, my week?)
At Bed Time
A little notebook sits on my nightstand. Not only are we invited by God to live a life of gratitude, researchers now tell us that end-of-the-day-gratitude is a powerful practice to induce sleep. Win – Win! The question is simple.
- What am I grateful for today? I shoot for a list of 5 or more things. Then I pause and pray, recognizing each as a gift from the Father’s hand and heart. Check out this Psychology Today article on the power of gratitude.
Notebooks are cheap and pens are easy to come by. Pick up a pen today and watch God trace his truth on your heart.
If time allows, peruse one of the articles below about the power of “pen and paper” on mental acuity: focus, memory and learning. It’s interesting stuff.
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