Cross Country


For the first time in my life I flew across the country while not occupying a window seat. More aware of the people around me, I was surprised to discover that the cabin around me was dark and entombed. Virtually all the window shades, on both sides of the plane, were down. In the course of 4 hours, they never went up.

I was flabbergasted.

Flying over the Rocky Mountains about killed me. Except for a brief “up and down” of the shade by my seat mate, I had no opportunity to catch a glimpse of God’s grandeur outside my window.

I was “trapped.”

My captors? 150 people content to live in darkness.

But then I asked myself this question.

How often is my captor me – when I refuse to open my front door and step outside?


When was the last time you stopped to watch a sunset in silence and awe? Caught a lightening bug? Smelled a flower? Watched a falling leaf? Wiggled your toes in the grass or sand?

First time here?

3 thoughts on “Cross Country”

  1. Actually, this morning I stepped outside, onto the patio with breakfast in hand. to enjoy the clear blue sky, the warm almost fall sunshine, the sound of our trickling waterfall and the chirping birds at the birdfeeder. It was delightful and I thanked and praised God for the beauty of his creation and for his goodness in the healing I was experiencing since my total hip replacement surgery 5 weeks ago. Those minutes in the bright sunshine made all the difference in the direction of my thoughts and of my day. Thank you God for the Light of your Love!


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