1 Verse. 3 Goals. Mighty God

By Brenda Jank

Someone asked me if I wanted to be a part of changing the world.
My answer was quick and concise. “Yes I do. Sign me up!”
She then reminded me that God works in many ways, but that this 2-step approach can create a swell of ripples.

Step 1
Create 3 goals for every verse God presses upon your heart. Listen well in this process. How does He want the power of this verse to impact my present, refine, transform, and propel me into new places?

Step 2
Encourage and challenge others to “take God at His Word” and do the same.

God presses verses into our hearts all the time. On Sunday, Isaiah 26:3 rose to the surface.

You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you. (ESV)

“Lord, what do you have for me in this?” That was a loaded question and it became quite clear that God had a lot for me.

  1. Understand where in my life I am enjoying “perfect peace” and where I am not yet letting Him in.
  2. At the end of each day, take note of how and when I was “practicing the Presence of God” and how often I was not.
  3. Actively surrendering and TRUSTING God with someone I dearly love whose life is messy and up for grabs right now.

The key for me to make this verse my own … 

  • The verse needs to be posted. Read. Reread. Maybe memorized. 
  • The goals have to be listed and revisited. Prayed over. Shared. Pondered. Acted upon.

Little disciplines. Big God. Mountain moving adventures. 

Watch out world – !

First time here?

2 thoughts on “1 Verse. 3 Goals. Mighty God”

  1. Thanks, Brenda. I would love to have you expand a bit more on this as it seems to speak a lot to me. I know verses jump out at me, and I write them down, but to think about how the verse can, “impact my present, refine, transform, and propel me into new places”, well that sounds more in depth.
    Running to my journal now, I remember reading the story of Balaam and his donkey yesterday and I wrote down, “Am I not your donkey, upon which you have ridden all your life long to this day? Was I ever accustomed to do this to you?” I remember thinking how full of wrath Balaam got at his donkey and the donkey was only trying to save Balaam’s life. Then I thought, do I do that with God sometimes? I mean, I get upset with what He is doing in my life and yet are these circumstances that He is allowing saving my life? Propelling me to refinement? So if I am hearing you right, I need to take this verse and allow it to help me see how it can impact my thinking for today and in the future and bring me to a better place.
    Like I said, I would love to hear more on this.

    • Karen – you bless me – !!
      This whole idea is new to me.
      NEW takes time to explore, practice, make my own.
      The gal who shared it with me was a part of an intense accountability group.
      They shared their 3 goals with a group each week – and then reported in the next week – sharing their journey with God.
      Sometimes there may be 3 goals. As I continue to make this my own, I am discovering that I want freedom. Some verses may have 1 goal, 2, or 5.
      I will let the Spirit lead the way.
      Journaling is an utmost gift in my life, too. I never leave home without it.
      Do you have a friend – who might commit to a 1 month or 2 month journey with you … as a start – each with your own verse, as God leads?
      Let me know how it goes.
      I LOVE your heart – !


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